1)To open a box and start shopping, you need to put a $20 (£18) Deposit Down, this deposit will be used towards your purchase, if you fail to pay for the rest of your items or you leave the live without finishing shopping, your deposit is forfeited.
2)Once you claim an item we will no longer switch it out of your box. If you claim, you pay.
3) If someone has requested to see an item, please allow that person to PASS before trying to claim that item, even if multiple are available.
4) Item(s) that have limited availability will be sold by List, comments about relisting you while first list has not ended will be ignored.
5) When an item has an Open Claim that means you can claim as many as you want.
6)Kindly remember to use please and thank you when requesting anything from the Hosts. As always if you have any questions please tag a MOD for help.
7)Please keep track of your purchase, we will provide you a glimpse of the price board when possible.